Handover between FastViewer and Capture One

Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum and have a few questions. I'm currently doing some image editing/image previewing in FastRaw to assess my shots and what can be done with them. I do some editing in FastRaw and I think the edits are also saved in a separate xmp file. But when I open the photo in Capture One it looks completely different / significantly worse. At the moment it's not entirely clear to me where these clear differences come from. Do I have to redo all the edits in Capture One?

Best regards


FastRawViewer image adjustments are visible only in Adobe software. Unfortunately, all other RAW editors do not store/do not read adjustments from XMP sidecar files.


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team

Ok, thank you so much.
Regards Christoph

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