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Thank you, Alex. 
I should have mentioned in my original post that the two shortcuts you mentioned for Zoom+Drag and Zoom+Pan do work on my computer.
The issue for me is that those shortcuts only allow users to drag and pan at the zoom level specified in "Zoom and Drag" Zoom to and "Zoom and Pan" Zoom to in Zoom Preferences. What I would like to be able to do is drag and pan at the current zoom level, even when the current zoom level differs from the zoom factors specified in Zoom Preferences.
There seems to be an asymmetry: I am able to drag at the current zoom level just by pressing and holding the left mouse button; but pressing and holding the right mouse button doesn't allow me to pan at the current zoom level. So I am wondering . . . is there some way to pan at the current zoom level?
Thanks again for your help with this.
-- Walter