FastRawViewer 1.4.3 Release
FastRawViewer 1.4.3 finally released:
- Adobe-formatted contrast setting was recorded to XMP files only if the exposure setting was also changed (however, the contrast in native FRV format was recorded correctly in all cases)
- External JPEGs were not being used as thumbnails (for files that don't have an embedded preview) even if the corresponding setting was turned on.
New Camera Support
- Canon 6D Mark II, 200D
- Fujifilm X-A10, Updated color profile for Fujifilm X-A3
- Gitup GIT2P
- Leica TL2
- Nikon D7500
Minor changes
- Embedding of XMP data blocks into JPEG files is re-factored and improved:
- New setting XMP - Fallback to XMP sidecar if XMP block write to JPEG fails allows to create .XMP files if embedding (per "Write XMP blocks to JPEG.." being switched on) failed
- If the above Fallback is on, and an .XMP file for an image file with the same name is already present, a warning can be issued, following to the setting "Warn if overwrite XMP for file with same name" (for FastRawViewer versions 1.4.0 - 1.4.2 this fallback was always on, and the check for the existing file name was not implemented)
- Compatibility of XMP block embedding is extended to cover more of JPEG file types; in FastRawViewer versions 1.4.0 - 1.4.2 XMP embedding was not supported for certain JPEG file types, and XMP sidecar files were recorded instead of XMP embedding.
- If the embedding of XMP data, or the recording of XMP sidecar file failed,
- Rating / Label is not refreshed in Grid / Filmstrip view
- Auto advance to the next file will not happen, even if the corresponding setting for auto-advance is on.
- Now, when opening in Single View mode, XMP data is always taken from the file on the disk, and not from the copy cached in the memory.
- A click on the triangle to the left of the folder name in Folders panel will not change current folder to clicked, but just expand/collapse subfolders. Double click to this triangle does the same, so effectively double click to triangle does nothing (opens than closes subfolders).
- (in Grid View, XMP data is always taken from the cache, and if an external program changed the XMP, you can re-read it using the refresh button on the Sort&Filter panel or using a hotkey we added for this purpose).
- Actions and hotkeys have been added for re-reading the current file/folder:
- Menu - File - Reload - Reload current file (standard shortcut: Ctrl-F4 / Cmd-F4) will reopen the current file if it exists. This is useful for Single File view mode or for Grid Mode when the indication of the exposure statistics and histogram is turned on.
- Menu - File - Reload - Reload current folder (Shift-Ctrl-F4 / Shift-Cmd-F4) will re-read the contents of the current folder, including the XMP and EXIF data, and will also reload the current file, if it exists.
- A context menu element has been added to the Folders Panel, namely Show in Windows Explorer/Reveal in Finder, accessible via right click.
- For Folders/Favorite folders panels:
- Ctrl-Click (macOS: Cmd-Click) in a folder: this will display the contents of this folder in the Grid, and will limit the folder tree in the Folders panel to the folder that will clicked on, and folders below the one that was clicked.
- Ctrl-Shift-Click (macOS: Cmd-Shift-Click) in a folder: this will display the contents of this folder in the Grid and limit the folder tree in the Folders panel to one level above the folder that was clicked on, and folders below it.
Download links
- Windows 7-10/32bit: FastRawViewer-
- Windows 7-10/64bit: FastRawViewer-
- Windows XP-Vista/32bit: FastRawViewer-
- Mac OS X 10.6-10.12: FastRawViewer-
- User manual: FastRawViewer-Manual-ENG.pdf
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