PixelShift2DNG Released
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We're proud to announce PixelShift2DNG Release Version.
We've decided to keep PixelShift2DNG as a FREE application.
Supported cameras:
- Pentax: K1 / K1-II / K3-II/ KP
- Sony: a7R III / a7R IV
Download Links
- Windows 7-10/64 bit: PixelShift2DNG-
- Mac OS X/macOS 10.9 - 10.15, 64-bit: PixelShift2DNG-
- Mac OS X/macOS 10.6 - 10.8, 64-bit: PixelShift2DNG-
Mac users: if you have the previous, Sony-only, version of the application named SonyPixelShift2DNG installed, it will not be removed automatically upon the install of the current version. Please drag SonyPixelShift2DNG to Trash to remove it manually.
You can read more about PixelShift2DNG here.
* We are grateful to Richard Butler, Lloyd Chambers, Tony Northrup, and Rishi Sanyal for providing samples.
Special thanks to Mr. Sanyal for performing extensive testing which led to quality improvements.
Niklas (not verified)
Fri, 01/03/2020 - 07:06
Great news!
Great news that you will have the PixelShift2DNG as a free application!
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