Drag and Move folders around

Unless I am looking in the wrong place in the settings, but I don't seem to find an option to allow to move folders arround.
E.g. I copied the DCIM folder and started sorting photos to subfolders in FRV. What I would like to do is then move those subfolders by just drag and drop to another folder. Currenly you seem to have to go back to Finder for that.
Is the folder drag and drop present somewhere? If not, can you implement it?

FastRawViewer is not a full-scale/full-function file/folder manager. Use another app (e.g. Finder) for that.


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team

You can create, rename and remove folders. To me a drag and drop to move seems an obvious addition. But if it is hard to implement and a drag on the application than ofcourse it should be left out.

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