can't get a file imported

Hi, I am a new user to FRV.  I am able to see the folder of photos in FRV when I download them from an SD Card.  When I finish culling, I usually close FRV & go back to File Explorer.  I wait for the photos to be loaded and synched to the Cloud in OneDrive, usually the next day or several days depending on when I have time to go back to them.  My problem is I have not been able to import the folder into FRV.  Tonight, I was clicking around trying to find how, when I clicked on "Save selection to File".  I managed to get the folder into my Favorite folders.  HOWEVER, I could not get the program to do anything else.  It seemed to have frozen.  I tried closing FRV-nothing.  So, now what?  I tried to find help in the manual, googling how to, etc. Nothing.  I need help.  There has to be a simplier way to import a folder into FRV than the multiple hoops I have jumped thru tonight. 
Please, if someone can talk me thru the steps, I would greatly appreciate it. 

Dear Sir:

It seems that the problem is with the cloud storage. If you don't have a local copy of the files, it's highly possible.

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