FastRawViewer 2.0.9 Beta

FastRawViewer 2.0.8 Beta

This is a rolling update with new camera/new raw format support, bugfixes, and some features added.

Camera/RAW format support

  • Nikon HE/HE* compression support (for Nikon Z8, Z9, Zf, Z6_3 cameras)
  • OM System 14-bit files (OM-1 Mark II HighRes/PixelShift shots)
  • 4-channel/bayer JPEG-compressed DNG files

Camera support

  • Fujifilm X-T50, GFX 100S II
  • Nikon Z6 III (Preliminary support)
  • Panasonic DC-S9 (Preliminary support)
  • Sony UMC-R10C

Improvements/bug fixes

  • Improved damaged/incorrect/modified CR3 files handling
  • Improved recognition of Fujifilm GFX T/S lenses
  • Build 2018: fixed memory leak in Nikon HE/HE* files handling introduced in build 2017.
  • HEIC files: support for file orientation via irot MP4 metadata.
    New hidden settings scripts added: HEICOrientationPreferEXIF and HEICOrientationPreferMP4:
    if both EXIF/Orientation and MP4/irot tags are present, which one is preferred.
    Default: EXIF/Orientation tag
  • Multi-Window mode: added Menu items and assignable shortcuts for 'Clear Secondary Window N'
  • Added the ability to adjust the number of lines in XMP Title field in XMP Metadata Panel
  • Sorting by XMP Label
  • Mouse-button shortcuts are now working in grid-mode.
    Note: drag-drop and context menus has special handling, so this improvement is primarily aimed at users of mice with more than two buttons.
  • Two new options in Preferences - File handling:
    • Remember subfolders in last used copy/move lists - turns on the recording of the names of subfolders used in copy/move to subfolder operation to the list of folders in copy file to/move file to (if turned on: Ctrl-M will copy current file(s) to the last subfolder used via Alt-M).
    • Remember subfolders in visited folder list - turns on the recording of the names of subfolders used in copy/move to subfolder operation to the list of visited folders accessible via Menu – File – Open folder.
  • New option in Preferences - Image display: Apply DNG OpcodeList2/3 tags
    • No processing: do not process Opcodes 2/3
    • JPEG/JPEG-XL compressed: process Opcodes mentioned only for files compressed via JPEG/JPEG-XL compression methods (default value)
    • All DNG files: process these Opcodes for all DNG files with such tags present.
    Opcodes2/3 are used for JPEG/JPEG-XL files linearization (so, processing for such files is mandatory to get right rendering) and for lens correction (such processing is optional, while time consuming)
  • New option in Preferences - Image display: Display DNG Enhanced images: if set, Enhanced (high resolution/improved) frame will be displayed for DNG files with such sub-image. If not set: source RAW will be displayed.
    DNGShowEnhancedImage/DNGShowStandardImage hidden settings scripts are removed.
  • WindowGeometryReset script added to hidden/auxiliary settings scripts.
    This script removes all stored window size/position and information panels position/size/opacity, so defaults will be used on the next run.
    Windows: Window Geometry Reset item added to Windows menu in the LibRaw\FastRawViewer group.
  • Minor bug fixed: focus peaking layer opacity change did not take effect immediately.
  • Bug fixed: Menu - MultiWindow menu items were not enabled if file in secondary window was opened via drag-n-drop from Filmstrip.
  • Bug Fixed: If Preferences - Grid View - Return to Grid mode via double click was in effect:
    Double clicking on any mouse button worked (returned to grid view) instead of the expected only left double-click.
  • macOS 10.13-specifc bug fixed: opening some RAW formats may result into application crash.
  • Bug fixed: secondary window(s) down/up-sampling modes were different from main window.
  • Bug fixed: Color management was not reinitialized on awake after computer sleep.
  • Fixed regression in Fujifilm S6000/S6500 files display

Download Links


Running both 2.0.7 and 2.0.9 simultaneously and occasionally flipping back and forth. Computer is a MBP with an M1Pro chip running MacOS 14.4.1 (current).  All image processing is done through Lightroom Classic, with Topaz AI invoked for noise reduction and sharpening (both on current versions).  Camera is a Nikon Z8, with v2 firmware (current).
The beta correctly displayed the ~20 NEF files I already have in the HE and HE* formats. (I went back to regular NEF files once I found out FRV didn't support those file types; I'll go shoot some more HE/HE* files today to give me a bigger sample size.). The histogram labels and curve shapes look like I expected them to look, although I have no way of actually verifying that.  Both 2.0.7 and 2.0.9 histogram curves have lots of peaks and valleys and extend well past the 0-255 range as they ought to.  No obvious difference between the two versions on regular NEF files.
A couple of observations that MIGHT be bugs...
1.  Under "Help", "What's New in this release", both versions only show the release notes from the prior release, not the release itself (2.0.7 shows 2.0.6 as most recent; 2.0.9 shows 2.0.7).  Both versions show the correct version number under "Fast Raw Viewer","About...".
2.  Sort & Filter.  FRV shows a lower number of files with numerical ratings than my Lightroom Classic shows for every file folder I examined.  Also shows fewer files with color flags.  I haven't yet been able to discern a pattern to why this is.  All of my ratings and flags have been assigned in Lightroom Classic.  Very few, if any, were written to separate xmp files.  I need to look into this further.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to try out this beta.  It allows me to use Nikon's HE and HE* formats now.

1. Yes, we forgot to update What's new, will fix it in the next beta.

2. Lighroom stores ratings/labels in the internal database (catalog), this data is not visible in XMP sidecars until exported. To export this data to be visible in FastRawViewer please do metadata export as described in documentation: (and next page)


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team

I see that the new FRV is taking lot of disk space when I am using it. 
My Laptop only had 40 GB disk space all of it was taken up by FRV when I am culling leading to crashes. 
Can you check if there is any changes or setting due to which I am facing this issue ?

In which specific folder do you see 50 gigabytes used?


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team

The internal harddrive is getting filled up and I am getting errors in the mac. The Application is taking too much memory Mac

I'll repeat my question: what specific folder  (or file) has grown up?

Until this is clarified, it is unclear which application occupied the disk and why



Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team

We seem to understand what you are complaining about. Please update to build 2018 (see download links on this page)


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team

Issue resolved. Thanks

GF 110 T/S f5.6 not displaying in EXIF of RAF - shows as 110mm f/2 - but it has correct serial number!
double checked in another app EXIF is correct in raw image file.
Using on GFX 100 II

It would be great to have sample file to update our lens tables.

Please use any file sharing service (e.g. Dropbox, Google, WeTransfer/free option) and send the link to


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team

I have 30mm and 110mm t/s for testing so sent you images from both.

For the record:  Fujifilm GFX lens recognition is improved in FRV 2.0.9 (beta):


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team

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