Hitting R for transferring picture to lightroom doesn´t work

Hitting R for transferring picture to lightroom doesn´t work when lightroom is already running.
It only works when lightroom has not been started before.
Is this a bug of fastrawviewer or does anybody have an idea what could be the reason for this?
(Lightroom swichtes to the import menu but none of the selected picture are marked.

It is a bug introduced in the recent Lr versions. 

However Lightroom still reads the parameters set in FastRawViewer, including ratings and labels, in Drag&Drop mode:

In  FastRawViewer, a selected file, or a group of files, can be dragged with the mouse (Drag and Drop) into other programs (Lightroom, for example) that accept the file list. 

If a selected file is dragged, then all selected files will be dragged to the same destination. 

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