Raspberry Pi HQ Camera Monochrome2DNG support?

I have a monochrome converted Raspberry Pi HQ camera module converted by MaxMax (LDP, LLC).  
I just downloaded the most recent version of Monochrome2DNG utility that is availble today June 22, 2021.  But it doesn't seem to convert the files.
I am using the -r switch in raspistill to get the raw data appended to the end of the jpg files.  The utility doesn't seem to be able to access this data.  Can this be possible to add?
Does it work with Raspberry Pi HQ files, as I see the it was just added to rawviewer?  
Do only other type of raw file files work? I haven't used the raw raspberry pi program yet.
Thank you,

Dear Sir:

Please try, depending on your OS, one of



You may need to add *.JPG to Monochrome2DNG Preferences, "Input files" section.

Wow excellent that works.
I installed it today and the version in help read 1.4.2 build 63.  But the file you attached above will convert the raw appended to the end of pi HQ Jpeg using the -r switch.
Thank you,

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