RawPreviewExtractor 0.1: bug reports and feedback

This topic created from RawPreviewExtractor 0.1 bug reports and feedback

Версия 0.2 - тэг ориентации после извлечения не отрабатывается в проводнике виндовс 10 в режиме миниатюр (*.CR3)
Version 0.2 - orientation tag after extraction is not processed in Windows 10 explorer in thumbnail mode (*.CR3)

Yes, this is known Windows explorer 'feature', ask Microsoft to fix it.


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team

This issue has been successfully resolved using exiftool.
The solution is described here: https://club.foto.ru/forum/view_post.php?p_id=13273701
If you do the same in your program, it will be great

Hey, thanks for this amazingly fast software.
+1 on the command line integration. That would be great !


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