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To quote the manual that comes with FastRawViewer (it is a fully searchable standard PDF, you can open it through FastRawViewer main Menu -> Help -> 'PDF manual'), 'Rules for naming XMP sidecar files', page 54:
"To support compatibility with other applications, which write either Filename.xmp or Filename.ext.XMP (.ext.xmp), there is a setting called Preferences – XMP – XMP Files naming scheme, which controls the selection of both a unique naming system (Filename.XMP or Filename.ext.XMP) and an order for searching for an existing file (.XMP, then .xmp or vice versa)."

The XMP specification defines what is considered to be the correct naming scheme:
"For applications that need to find external XMP files, look in the same directory for a file with the same name as the main document but with an .xmp extension. (This is called a sidecar XMP file.)"