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"In many cameras, sensor data is processed differently for different color channels before the RAW is recorded (for example, White Balance preconditioning for Nikon: the values of the red and blue pixels are multiplied by small coefficient). In the case of a camera converted to monochrome, equally exposed pixels that originally, before conversion, belonged to different channels, receive different RAW data numbers."

"different in-camera processing of “different color channels”, manifests as a grid-like pattern on even surfaces (visible only with high zoom: the size of the element is 1 pixel)"
On a monochrome converted Nikon, does the pre-conditioning of RAW data consist only of applying R and B WB multipliers....if so could this be avoided by using a UniWB during capture. Similarly on an 830IR converted Nikon (in which the R, G and B Bayer filters have very similar but not exactly the same absorption response), could the mosaic resulting from pre-conditioning be somewhat avoided by using a scene referred WB?

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