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It turned out to be faster than I thought, here is new build for testing:

macOS (10.12-11.x):


New checkbox has added: Preferences - Special browse modes - Sort opened filelists using current sort mode

By default it is on (checked), uncheck it to disable sorting when browsing filelists.

Also, another filelist-related setting has added:  Grid/Filmstrip - Save associated JPEG/HEIC files to filelists.

If checked (default is not), JPEG siblings in RAW+JPEG mode are saved to filelists (on the same line, default delimiter is '|' symbol). On such filelist load  RAW+JPEG pairs are united (or not) according to current RAW+JPEG/RAW+HEIC setting(s).

Your feedback is always welcome.


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team