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Dear Sir:

FastRawViewer does not writes GPS data into XMP sidecars. It copies existing XMP data (sidecar or embedded block) into newly created sidecar, using Adobe XMP SDK which (we hope) preserves existing XMP data. The altered XMP tags are: rating, label, title, description and crs: tags (exposure, contrast, white balance) for RAW processing, all other data should be passed as is (if correct). Yes, it is possible that Adobe SDK may correct some incorrect fields if present.

Of course, if XMP block in your file contains incomplete exif:GPS... tags, it will not be corrected.

Could you please provide some files (altered by exiftool, but not altered by FRV) for inspection? Use to send small files (and  WeTransfer/free option or any other file sharing service for large files)


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team