FastRawViewer 2.0 Beta 1

FastRawViewer 2.0. Beta 1

Briefly: What’s New in Version 2

FastRawViewer 2.0 adds the following features (each described in more detail in corresponding sections):

  1. Multi-window Display Mode with synchronous zoom, pan, focus peaking, over/underexposure highlighting, and the ability to copy the rendering parameters of RAW files
  2. Renaming files: either single files or groups, with optional use of templates.
  3. Improved performance, especially when using fast and slow data media at the same time.

Before installing the new version, please read the following section (Forewarning).


Beta Version Limitations

At the current stage of beta testing, we are mostly interested in feedback from users of FastRawViewer v1, who are already familiar with the concept of the application and the approach it takes.

Therefore: FastRawViewer 2.0 (beta1) can only be activated if you’ve already installed FastRawViewer 1.x with an activated full license key (that is to say, not a trial); this key will be passed onto the activation server. Manual activation is not available, and you will have to allow at least a one-time Internet connection on the computer that you are using to run the Beta.

The beta version is activated in trial mode for 90 days, and we hope in this time frame to finish testing.

Of course, we will have a stage of beta testing for everyone without limit, but this will be later. Manual activation will, of course, also be restored.

Inherited Settings

The beta version is installed “on top of” version 1; this is done in order to avoid confusion with file association, default applications, etc. We tested this and consider it to be risk-free: the base functionality of FastRawViewer has been tested via multi-year use of version 1 and has not changed; the new and improved performance architecture has been tested on a sufficient audience with the FastRawViewer 1.8 Technical Preview.

The application Preference settings, hotkey settings, and lists of ‘last used folders’ are shared between the two versions. Downgrading from version 2 to version 1 can be done by deinstalling the new version and installing the old version.

The settings in version 2 whose names have not been changed but whose meanings or effects have (those are graphic mode and several performance settings), have been internally separated, and changing them in version 2 will not affect version 1 (and vice versa).

Hardware and OS Support

  • We have chosen to not support antiquated/outdated OSs (and in the case of Windows, old graphic modes), so the system requirements are as follows:
  • Mac: macOS 10.12 and newer, Intel or Apple M1 processors.
  • There are no other requirements – if your graphics card works with macOS 10.12, then it’s compatible with FastRawViewer 2.0
  • Windows: Windows 7 – Windows 10/64 bit, “a relatively new graphics card” with support for DirectX11:
  • Intel (integrated/CPU): Core 3rd generation (i3/i5/i7-3xxx) processors and newer
  • ATI/AMD: we recommend Radeon HD 5000 and newer.
  • Nvidia: GeForce 400 series and newer

Download Links

FastRawViewer 2.0 Features

Multi-window Display Mode

Synchronous zoom, pan, focus peaking, OE/UE; the ability to copy the rendering parameters of RAW files

Renaming Files

Either single files or groups, with optional use of renaming templates and a rename history


Improved User Interface

Advance Selection Mode in addition to the standard selection mode; Move from _Rejected; and more

Improved Performance

Accelerated image display, especially effective when using fast and slow data media at the same time

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