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As tagging is an importat step in culling pehaps you could implement a mode where only ratings and labbeling are recorded to XMP, some may want to record WB and or exposure adjustments but other may just whant not to but save the ratings. For now I have the option to use XMP read only but I cant rate nor label this whay.. 
I noted that with "A" toggled off ctrl+shift+/- are turned off that would be a "safe mode" to work but Shift-A is still working (Should it be?)
   "Shift-S and Shift-H are Shadows boost On/Off and Highlights inspection On/Off modes respectively, they are propriate to FastRawViewer and do not affect any tags that Lightroom knows. Those modes are inspection only."
That´s good to know That different behavior with Shift-A,,  I may change the Shortcuts for "A" and Shift-A as they are dangerously placed near Shift-S wich wont hurt my previous work....
FRV is really fast and an almost perfect tool to cull images..( one just keep asking why didn´t they doit.. Congratulationts!! )
Thank you