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Thank you again for your problem report (#1). In our tests, the problem appears if:

  1. There is some broken file in displayed set (indicated as hourglass icon instead of preview or 'decoding error' or 'no preview' icon(s)
  2. Sort order is set to EXIF timestamp (probably XMP rating sort will act same way).

Here are fixed versions:

macOS 10.12-11.x:


Could you please test it and provide us w/ feedback.

If you need other builds (e.g. macOS/Legacy) please notify us.

The problem was caused by non-stopping re-reading of broken files in hope it is downloaded now and becomes correct. Fixed version will re-read same (broken) file several times than marks it as completely broken/no retry (until forced folder reload). Each re-read attempt results in file resort and 'scroll to selected file on resort' if this option is checked.


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team