Shortcut not working


I have set a shortcut MClick to [select/deselect the current file]. This only works in single file view and does not work in grid view.
Also in the grid mode, I use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+LClick to [select/deselect the current file and move to next] and it seems to be working.
It looks like MClick is not being processed in grid mode

Thank you for reporting this.

Yes, 'grid view' has own mouse click handling. We'll see what we can do about it.

The general solution will probably be very complex, but for buttons other than right and left it is easier to do.



Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team

Mouse-button shortcuts handling in Grid mode is improved in 2.0.9-2019:


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team

Thank you, confirming that this is now working. 
I was expecting slightly different behaviour. Given that Ctrl+LClick in my case worked not with the current file, but with the file under the cursor, I expected MClick to work the same way, with the file under the cursor. 
Now I understood that LClick has a double function - first it makes the file under the cursor the current one, and then it performs the shortcut action. MClicik doesn't work like that. 
Maybe it is possible to make this behaviour independent of the mouse button - perform selection operation not with the current file, but with the file under the cursor.
For example it could be 2 new shortcuts - Select/Deselect file under cursor (and move to next)

Global mouse shortcuts are the same as keyboard shortcuts and works on current file/selection (depending on shortcut type and context)


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team

I understand that. But it is a problem only for GridMode and FilmStrip, where it is possible to select objects with mouse. Shortcuts working with LClick have the advantage that first the item is selected and then the shortcut action takes place. My request is that somehow this "double" action would be possible not only with LClick. We can imagine that there is some hidden shortcut Select_File_under_cursor=LClick, and there is no possibility to add an additional MClick to it, which would be triggered before other shortcuts, just like it happens now with LClick.
I don't know how to implement this correctly, I'm just saying that I've encountered this inconvenience. If you can find a way to implement making a selection (make a current) by not only LClick, that would be great. This is not critical, but a desirable option.

We started with the fact that you need a custom shortcut to select and move to the next file. In grid mode, you can simply select the necessary files via control-click or checkbox click to the files you want to select.


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team

I know about these methods, and I just wanted to say that for me it would be convenient to have an MClick shortcut that would toggle selection of the file under the cursor, not the current one (inside the file lists, like in GridMode or Filmstrip). Checkbox and ctrl+click are less convenient, checkbox is tiny and Ctrl+Click requires keyboard involvement. Yes, it works, but it turns out I can't customise, and have a different shortcut, with a different mouse button.
At the moment I am using MClick on SingleFileView because it is very convenient for me. But for the same action on a file lists I have to use a different shortcut (Ctrl+Click)

You can assign Ctrl-Click for toggle selection as global shortcut, so it will work in Single File View mode too.


Alex Tutubalin/FastRawViewer team

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